A Virtual Lunar New Year Celebration
Lunar New Year is one of the most important holidays for many Asian cultures. The pandemic has made it challenging to have our usual family gatherings and practice some of our most beloved traditions. However, just like how we’ve adapted to working from home & Zoom socials, many will be celebrating LNY with a socially-distanced twist.
Our blog posts and shorts come from the perspective of the Chinese diaspora in Canada. As immigrants, we find ourselves living a hyphenated identity and practicing hybrid forms of traditions mixing traditional Chinese and Western elements. This project hopes to promote the story-sharing of Chinese Canadian experiences of LNY, raise spirits for socially-distant celebrations during the pandemic, and showcase the diversity of traditions.
Image by: Humphrey Muleba (@good_citizen)
This web-project is produced by the student team of UBC Initiative for Student Teaching and Research in Chinese Canadian Studies (INSTRCC), in partnership with the Museum of Vancouver and the Chinese Canadian Museum Society.